
Do not shave for one week before and after the treatment.

Our therapists will provide the most suitable treatment plan based on the client’s current skin and physical conditions.The following conditions are not suitable for the treatment.

Cancer, diabetes, use of a pacemaker, scars, blood thinning medication, and skin conditions such as inflammation, severe eczema, severe sensitivity, and viral infections such as cold sores, as well as photosensitive diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), polymorphic light eruption (PLE), and rosacea etc.

Treatment is not recommended within two months of receiving any treatment containing isotretinoin (Accutane).

Treatment is not recommended within two weeks of exposure to sunlight, use of products containing alpha hydroxy acids or vitamin A, or use of acne medication.

Treatment is not recommended within two weeks of undergoing any optical, chemical, or physical exfoliation treatment using alpha hydroxy acids.



Post-Treatment Care

Use mild skincare products and avoid taking overheated hot showers or baths to prevent skin irritation.

Avoid using products that contain scrubbing agents or whitening ingredients for one week before and after the treatment.

Try to keep the body dry and avoid intense or high-temperature exercise, sauna, steam baths, hot yoga and other activities.

Avoid swimming in pools or beaches and soaking in hot springs before and after the treatment.

The treatment sessions should be spaced at least two weeks apart, and during this period, do not receive any optical, chemical, or physical exfoliation treatment using alpha hydroxy acids.

Avoid sunbathing, tanning bed or other ultraviolet light exposure and use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 before and after the treatment.

After the treatment, the skin may experience slight redness, blisters, crusting, itching, peeling, swelling, or other symptoms. Customers should contact our company if any of these symptoms are severe.

此煥膚療程大約 7 至 10 日,過程中皮膚會有組織更新,屬正常情況。*如出現以上情況,建議客人多做保濕,舒緩情況,大概 7 至 10 日會有好轉(請不要用手抓,或可安排到店觀察實際情況)。
The skin will undergo tissue renewal during the 7-10 day period after the treatment, which is a normal occurrence. If the aforementioned symptoms occur, clients are advised to apply moisturizer to relieve the situation. Improvement should be observed within 7-10 days (do not scratch with your hands, or you can arrange to observe the actual situation in the store).